Category Archives: Aljabar Linear Lanjut
Silabus Aljabar Linear Lanjut Aljabar Linier Lanjut
Referensi :
- Anton, H & Rorres C. 2010. Elementary Linear Algebra Tenth Edition. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
- Beezer, R.A. 2012. A First Course in Linear Algebra. University of Puget Sound, Washington.
- Carrel, James.B. 2005. Fundamentals of Linear Algebra. University of British Columbia, Vancouver.
- Denton, T& Waldron, A. 2012. Linear Algebra In Twenty Five Lectures. The Khan Academy.
- Gozali, S.M. 2010. Aljabar Linear. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung.
- Hogben, L. 2007. Handbook of Linear Algebra. IOWA State University, Lowa.
- Lankham, I and Friends. 2007. Linear Algebra as An Introduction to Abstract Mathematics. University of California, Davis.
- Matthews, K.R.2013. Elementary Linear Algebra.Department of Mathematics University of Queensland, Queensland.
- Nugroho, D.B. 2009. Aljabar Linear. Fakultas Sains dan Matematika UKSW, Salatiga.
Valenza, R.J.1993. Linear Algebra An Introduction to Abstract Mathematics.Springer-Verlag, New York.