Category Archives: Perangkat Pembelajaran
Silabus Matematika Diskrit
Silabus Matematika Diskrit Matematika diskrit
Referensi :
- Dossey, J.A, and Friends. 2001. Discrete Mathematics 4th Edition. Addison Wesley, New York.
- Gallier, J. 2010. Discrete Mathematics. Springer, New York.
- Garnier, R and Taylor, J. 2009. Discrete Mathematics : Proofs, Structures, and Appications Third Edition. CRC Press, Florida.
- Hein, J.L. 2003. Discrete Mathematics Second Edition. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston.
- Ince, D.C. 1988. An Introduction to Discrete Mathematics and Formal System Spesification. Oxford University Press, Oxford England.
- Manna, Z. 2003. Mathematical Theory of Computation. McGraw-Hill, New York.
- Michaels, J.G and Rosen, K.H. 1991. Applications of Discrete Mathematics. McGraw-Hill, New York.
- Rosen, K.H. 2011. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications seventh edition. McGraw-Hill, New York.
- Ross, K.A and Wright, C.R.B. 2002. Discrete Mathematics. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
- Vatsa, B.S and Vatsa, S. 2009. Discrete Mathematics. New Age International, New Delhi.
- Wibisono, S. 2008. Matematika Diskrit Edisi 2. Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta..
Silabus Metode Numerik
Silabus Metode Numerik Metode Numerik
Referensi :
- Chasnov, J.R. 2012. Introduction to Numerical Methods. The Hongkong University of Science and Technology, Hongkong.
- Luknanto, Djoko. 2001. Metoda Numerik. Fakultas Teknik UGM, Yogyakarta.
- Mathews, J.H and Fink, K.D. 1999. Numerical Methods Using Matlab Third Edition. Prentice Hall, California.
- Nugroho, D.B. 2009. Metode Numerik. Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga.
- Subakti, Irfan, 2006. Metode Numerik. Fakultas Teknologi Informasi ITS, Surabaya.
- Sutarno, H dan Rachmatin, D. 2008. Hand Out Metode Numerik. Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam UPI, Bandung.
- Tresnaningsih, Rizqi. 2010. Analisis Numerik. Fakultas Pendidikan dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam IKIP PGRI Madiun, Madiun.
Silabus Teori Graph
Silabus Teori Graph teori grap
Referensi :
- Balakrishnan, R and Ranganathan, K. 2012. A Textbook of Graph Theory Second Edition. Springer-Verlag, New York.
- Bollobas, B. 1978. Advances in Graph Theory. Norht-Holland, Amsterdam.
- Bondy, J.A and Murty, U.S.R. 1977. Graph Theory With Application. The Macmillan Press LTD, London.
- Chartrand, G. 1984. Introductory Graph Theory. Dover Publications, New York.
- Deo, N. 1974. Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering and Computer Science. Prentice-Hall, New Delhi.
- Diestel, R. 2005. Graph Theory Fourth Edition. Springer-Verlag, New York.
- Golumbic, M.C. 2004. Algorithmic Graph Theory and Perfect Graphs Second Edition. Norht-Holland, Amsterdam.
- Harris, J and Friends. 2008. Combinatorics and Graph Theory. Springer-Verlag, New York.
- Munir, R. 2005. Matematika Diskrit. Informatika Bandung, Bandung.
- Rosen, K.H. 2011. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications seventh edition. McGraw-Hill, New York.
Silabus Kalkulus 1
Silabus Kalkulus 1 Kalkulus 1
Referensi :
- Heri,Robertus. 2005. Buku Ajar Kalkulus I. Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam UNDIP, Semarang.
- Leithold, Louis. 1987. The Calculus 7. Harper Collins College Publishers.
- Lestari, Dwi dkk. 2013. Kalkulus Dasar. Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan UNY, Yogyakarta.
- Purcell dkk. 2007. Calculus. University Edwardsville, USA.
Silabus Kalkulus 2
Silabus Kalkulus 2 Kalkulus 2
Referensi :
- Courant, R and John, F. 1965. Introduction to Calculus and Analysis. Courant Institut of Mathematical Science, New York.
- Granville, W.A. 1965. Elements of The Differential and Integral Calculus. Ginn and Company, Boston.
- Heri, Robertus. 2005. Buku Ajar Kalkulus I. Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam UNDIP, Semarang.
- Leithold, Louis. 1987. The Calculus 7. Harper Collins College Publishers.
- Lestari, Dwi dkk. 2013. Kalkulus Dasar. Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan UNY, Yogyakarta.
- Purcell dkk. 2007. Calculus. University Edwardsville, USA.
Silabus Logika Himpunan
Silabus Logika Himpunan Logila Himpunan
Referensi :
- Ferenczi, M& Szots M. 2011. Mathematical Logic For Aplications. Budapest University of Technology and Economic.
- Mangelep, N. 2009. Modul Logika Matematika. FMIPA Universitas Negeri Manado, Manado.
- Mendelson, E. 1997. Introduction to Mathematical Logic Fourth Edition. Chapman&Hall, New York.
Sugiarto, Hidayah Isti, 2011. Pengantar Dasar Matematika. Fakultas MIPA UNNES, Semarang.
Silabus Kalkulus Lanjut 2
Silabus Kalkulus Lanjut 2 Kalkulus Lanjut 2
Referensi :
- Agnew, R.P. 1962. Calculus (Analytic Geometri and Calculus with Vector). McGrawhill Inc, New York.
- Apostol, T.M. 1967. One Variable Calculus with an Introduction To Linear Algebra. John Wiley & Sons Inc, New York.
- Courant, R and John, F. 1965. Introduction to Calculus and Analysis. Courant Institut of Mathematical Science, New York.
- Granville, W.A. 1965. Elements of The Differential and Integral Calculus. Ginn and Company, Boston.
- Heri, Robertus. 2005. Buku Ajar Kalkulus I. Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam UNDIP, Semarang.
- Leithold, Louis. 1987. The Calculus 7. Harper Collins College Publishers.
- Lestari, Dwi dkk. 2013. Kalkulus Dasar. Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan UNY, Yogyakarta.
Purcell dkk. 2007. Calculus. University Edwardsville, Illinois.