Category Archives: Praktikum Kwirausahaan

Silabus Praktikum Kwirausahaan

Silabus Praktikum Kwirausahaan Praktikum Kewirausahaan

Referensi :

  1. Suryana, Dr., M.Si. 2006. Kewirausahaan: pedoman praktis, kiat dan proses menuju sukses. Salemba Empat. Jakarta.
  2. Hisrich, Robert D., & Michael P. Peters. 2002. Entrepreneurship – fifth edition. McGraw-Hill Irwin. Boston.
  3. Kao, JJ. 1991. The Entrepreneurial Organization . Prentice-Hall International, Inc.New Jersey
  4. Lambing Peggy, Charles L. Kuehl. 2000. Entrepreneurship. Prentice-Hall International, Inc. New Jersey.
  5. Zimmerer W. Thomas, Norman M. Scarborough. 1996. Entrepreneurship and New Venture Formation. Prentice-Hall International, Inc. New Jersey.