Category Archives: Struktur Aljabar I

Silabus Struktur Aljabar 1

Silabus Struktur Aljabar 1 Struktur Aljabar 1

Referensi :

  1. Anderson, M and Feil, T. 2005. A First Course in Abstract Algebra. Chapman & Hall/CRC, New York.
  2. Beardon, A.F. 2005. Algebra and Geometry. Cambridge University Press, New York.
  3. Fraleigh, J.B and Katz, V.J. 2003. Algebra. Addison Wesley, New York.
  4. Gallian, J.A. 2010. Contemporary Abstract Algebra. Houghton Mifflin Company, New York.
  5. 2011. Struktur Aljabar 1 (Teori Group). Fakultas Pendidikan MIPA IKIP Madiun, Madiun.
  6. Joseph, J.R. 2005. First Course in Abstract Algebra with Application. Prentice Hall, New York.
  7. Malik, D.S and Moderson, J.N. 1977. Fundamentals of Abstract Algebra. Mc.Graw-Hill Companies Inc, New York.